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Open door days on the occasion of upcoming construction of the cibuk 1 windfarm

Wind Energy Belgrade Group (WEBG) is inviting all interested citizens to attend the OPEN DOOR DAYS on the occasion of upcoming construction of the Cibuk 1 windfarm in Mramorak.
The invitation applies to all residents of Mramorak, Dolovo, Bavaniste and Vladimirovac who will get the opportunity to ask questions and get answers connected with the windfarm construction in their towns.

Open Door Days will be organized as follows:

26th July from 12.00 - 14.00 hrs in the Mramorak Local Community,
27th July from 12.00 – 14.00 hrs in the Dolovo Local Community,
1st August from 11.00 – 13.00 hrs in the Bavaniste Cultural Center,
2nd August from 11.00 – 13.00 hrs in the Vladimirovac Local Community.

We invite You and Your family to attend the meetings according the above timetable. Welcome!

The WEBG official invitation on posters