Corporate Social Responsibility

As a part of Social Investment Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility throughout the years, the WEBG supported activities connected with smaller projects like improvement of infrastructure, upgrading education and sport programs, supporting vulnerable groups (elder population, persons with special needs, youth and children), activities to preserve environment, local traditions and customs, to promote the European values, the respect of law, transparency and battle against discrimination. Majority of projects were realized through the Local Communities of Mramorak, Dolovo, Vladimirovac and Bavaniste.

WEBG has so far been supported over 100 projects and local initiatives of which more than 20 were related to Health, Wellbeing and Sports. Company aided 3 projects regarding elderly care and helped more than 7 sports organizations and health institutions.

Total of 32 infrastructural projects in 4 different local communities were carried out, 2 school classrooms were reconstructed, 3 playgrounds and 5 sports facilities were built.

Since children are unique in their physical, social, and emotional development, WEBG has devoted around 20 donations to children and youth and their education.

WEBG continually encourages projects related to preservation of culture and national heritage as well as women empowerment. In this segment total of 17 projects were carried through.

In addition to local organizations, WEBG continuously supports and monitors the work of the Research Station "Petnica" and H-Bridges team of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade so they could have a chance to compete worldwide and present projects and inventions in the field of electricity and sustainable development. Additionally, WEBG organized a visit of over 50 students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade to the wind farm Čibuk 1. In this way, we wanted to introduce future engineers to the importance of renewable energy sources and the way the wind farm works.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the company Vetroelektrane Balklana has been actively helping local governments and health care institutions by donating funds necessary for the purchase of medical and protective equipment and food and hygiene packages for the most vulnerable categories of the population.

We proudly act and think that success should be shared with others.

Annual SIP reports for all previous years.

SIP 2022

SIP 2021

SIP 2020

SIP 2019

SIP 2018

SIP 2017

SIP 2016

SIP 2015

SIP 2014

SIP 2013