Čibuk 1


Our main concern in development of the Čibuk 1 wind park was to abide by all legal norms and regulations in force in Serbia and Europe and to respect the highest standards in protection of environment. To achieve this objective the investor had engaged the leading international and local experts in the field of ecology.

The Environmental Impact Assessment Study was conducted by the British company Atkins, which worked together with the local partners InSitu and Link 011. Monitoring of birds and bats population during three years was carried out by the independent expert teams from Ecoda (Germany) and Atkins (Great Britain), so that both the English and German methodology was used and the results subsequently compared. Local experts engaged in this monitoring were Ornito Expert, Fauna C&M, MM Consulting and Natura. All studies were carried out in comply with international standards.

In brief, the Environmental Impact Assessment Study shows that in the area of the Čibuk 1 wind park there are no green corridors or bird passages so that danger of accidents due to collision with turbines is eliminated. As regards bats it is recommended to stop turbines periodically so as to reduce danger of collision with turbines to minimum. As regards noise, measurements show that no effect on the inhabitants is likely as the wind park area is far from the inhabited places.

The Čibuk 1 wind park has a positive effect in reducing emissions of harmful gases, especially carbon dioxide. Each year, this wind park will replace consumption of 370,000 tons of CO2, which equals 152,000 tons of gas.

The Čibuk 1 wind park has also a positive effect on the economy and living standard. The land on which it has been erected was purchased from owners but they will continue to cultivate it except a very small percent of land used for erection of turbines. Damage caused to crops and plants during construction has been fully paid. Hundreds of new jobs have been created during construction of the wind park, and the Kovin municipality has benefit on the basis of signed contract that guarantees the municipality a 2 (two) per cent of the wind park annual profit.

On the page ‘Documents’ you can download the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study (EISA).