With 216 wind turbines and the installed energy of 540 MW, the Fantanele wind park is officially the largest wind park on the European continent. The country that until recently enjoyed the status of one with the largest onshore wind park was Scotland but today this status belongs to Romania. By the end of the year this wind park will have 240 wind turbines with the installed power of 600 MW.
The first turbine in the Fantanele wind park started spinning in June, 2010. In the last two years Romania succeeded, owing to exploitation of wind, to increase its production of clean energy to a moderate 14 MG a year. For the first nine months of this year, the produced wind power was sufficient to provide electricity for 600,000 households.
The American company Continental Wind Partners (CWP), which plans to build the first windpark in Serbia, constructed this biggest European wind park, Fantanele. Judging by experience from the neighboring Romania, Serbia may join the leading European countries in the field of environment protection and improve the quality of life of its population if it turns to exploitation of wind energy. Though Serbia is still awaiting the first green kilowatt from wind, the example of Romania gives hope, especially if we know that our neighbors’ starting position was just slightly better than ours. Actually, the current capacities of Serbia for use of wind energy make some five percent compared with its total potential of renewable energy resources. With construction of the first Serbian Cibuk wind park, it will be able to produce electricity to supply about 30,000 households.